Become a Master of Japanese Communication!

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SANC Mini Group Lessons: Basic Japanese Course

Basic Japanese : Basic-A

- To acquire essential Japanese for daily life.

- To learn how to deal with the inevitable issues faced in Japanese life.

- To develop communication skills to establish good relationships with colleagues, neighbors, etc.

Textbook: "Nihongo Daijobu! Book1" (designed for optimum language learning by Sun Academy)

Unit Japanese communications and strategies
1. "Nice to meet you" Introduce yourself, Picking out the key words in long sentences, Asking permissions
Strategies: Magical phrases, Greetings, (Filling out forms)
2. "What is this?" Asking "What's this?" "Whose is this?" and "Which one?", Expressions for the days of the week, How to say "I don't understand" and "Oh, now I understand"
Strategies: Riding a bicycle
3. "What time is it?" Asking and telling time, Asking and confirming your schedules and appointments, Saying "That is right" or "That is not right"
4. Shopping strategies Asking and telling prices, Useful expressions for shopping
Strategies: Shopping negotiations, (At the post office), (Labeling)
5. "I am going to Okinawa" Talking about motion (going to the office, going home, etc.), Looking at brochures and making a travel plan
Strategies: Riding a train, Riding a bus
6. Using telephone strategies Understanding the flow and strategies for telephone communication, Simple direct questions for coping with various telephone situations, Useful expressions when meeting someone
Strategies: Riding a taxi, (Train trouble)
Unit Japanese communications and strategies
7. "Thank you for the meal" Talking about food and drinks, Inviting someone out to eat, Dealing with restaurant situations
Strategies: Dining at an Izakaya, (Restaurant reservations)
8. "My perfect Sunday" How to say "I want to do something", Expressing various daily activities
(Strategies: At the cleaner's, Using home appliances)
9. "That's nice!" Making and receiving compliments, Offering food and drinks
(Strategies: At the hair salon/barber, Express parcel delivery service)
10. "How was it?" Describing past events and making brief remarks, Writing a diary in Japanese, Having a small talk about daily life
Strategies: Annual events in Japan
11. Calling in sick Describing your physical condition, Asking for help/ Offering help, Buying medicine at a pharmacy, Calling in sick
Strategies: Medical care in Japan, (Calling 119 for emergencies)
12. "My hometown" Describing a map of your hometown, Asking directions, Expressing "maybe"
Strategies: Signs in town
Early Morning Class 8:00-9:00 or 8:00-9:30
Morning Class 10:00-11:30
Afternoon Class 14:00-15:30 or 16:00-17:30
Evening Class 18:30-20:00 or 19:00-20:00
Saturday Class 10:00-12:00 or 14:00-16:00

- A new term generally starts in the first week of each month. It is also possible to join a class in the middle of the course if its level is suitable.

- The Mini Group Lessons are held at Sun Academy.

- The class size is generally 2 to 3 students per class. If the minimum enrollment is not reached, the class may be canceled.

1 Course (12 hours) 34,320 yen (tax included)
The number of lessons
for 1 course
1 hour class 12 lessons
1.5 hours class 8 lessons
2 hours class 6 lessons
Material Fee Actual cost

- Fees are on a per-person basis.

- All new SANC students will be charged a registration fee 3,300 yen. Free registration for the 20th Anniversary Campaign throughout 2025!

- A free trial lesson for new comers as well as a consultation and a level-check is available anytime. Please contact us for reservation.

Basic Japanese : Basic-B

- To study talking about oneself and one's own country, one's experience and future.

- To acquire the expressions to request nicely, decline politely, give one's thanks, and etc.

- To learn verbs' conjugations.

- To expand vocabulary/expressions and learn more complex language structures.

- To develop presentation skills.

Textbook: "Nihongo Daijobu! Book2" (designed for optimum language learning by Sun Academy)

Unit Japanese communications and strategies
13. Likes and dislikes Talking about likes and dislikes, Having a small talk about your strong points
14. "Me, my family, and my job" Introducing yourself (you, your job, and your family), Describing current situations, Having a small talk about your family
15. "Come quickly, please!" Telling someone to do something, Describing ongoing actions, Talking about rules
16. "Thank you very much" Expressing gratitude, Having a small talk about gifts and assistance, Writing thank-you notes in Japanese
Unit Japanese communications and strategies
17. "My country and Japan" Talking about facts and figures of your country, Comparing your country with Japan
18. "I can do it!" Expressing potential and ability, Having a small talk about what you can or cannot do
19. "Vacation spots in my country" Expressing your preferences, Making recommendations, Having a small talk about vacation spots in your country
20. "Please don't worry" Telling someone to refrain from doing something, Expressing "have to/must" and "don't have to", Reading a Japanese folktale
Unit Japanese communications and strategies
21. Unforgettable memories Talking about your experiences, Expressing "when", Having a small talk about your unforgettable memories
22. "What do you think?" Expressing your opinion, Describing urban legends, world mysteries, and Japanese society and people, Expressing agreement/disagreement properly
23. "If I could use magic" Expressing "if" and "even if", Having a small talk about your dreams, hopes, and wishes
24. "Thanks to you, it has improved" Describing then and now, Asking for and giving advice, Having a small talk about your improvement
Early Morning Class 8:00-9:00 or 8:00-9:30
Morning Class 10:00-11:30
Afternoon Class 14:00-15:30 or 16:00-17:30
Evening Class 18:30-20:00 or 19:00-20:00
Saturday Class 10:00-12:00 or 14:00-16:00

- A new term generally starts in the first week of each month. It is also possible to join a class in the middle of the course if its level is suitable.

- The Mini Group Lessons are held at Sun Academy.

- The class size is generally 2 to 3 students per class. If the minimum enrollment is not reached, the class may be canceled.

1 Course (12 hours) 34,320 yen (tax included)
The number of lessons
for 1 course
1 hour class 12 lessons
1.5 hours class 8 lessons
2 hours class 6 lessons
Material Fee Actual cost

- Fees are on a per-person basis.

- All new SANC students will be charged a registration fee 3,300 yen. Free registration for the 20th Anniversary Campaign throughout 2025!

- A free trial lesson for new comers as well as a consultation and a level-check is available anytime. Please contact us for reservation.

Kangaroo Class -Japanese For Mothers/Fathers-

- To learn practical Japanese for mothers living in Japan.

- To learn to access information regarding public services, hospital, the school system, etc.

- Contents: Children's health check-ups, Illnesses and pediatricians, Thank you letters, Talking with teachers and mothers at nursery/school, Daily Kanji

Morning Class 10:00-11:30
Afternoon Class 14:00-15:30 or 16:00-17:30
Saturday Class 10:00-12:00 or 14:00-16:00

- A new term generally starts in the first week of each month. It is also possible to join a class in the middle of the course if its level is suitable.

- The lessons are held at Sun Academy.

- The class size is between 2 to 3 students. Sun Academy reserves the right to cancel any class that does not reach the minimum enrollment.

1 Course (12 hours) 34,320 yen (tax included)
Material Fee Actual cost

- Fees are on a per-person basis.

- All new SANC students will be charged a registration fee 3,300 yen. Free registration for the 20th Anniversary Campaign throughout 2025!

- A free trial lesson for new comers as well as a consultation and a level-check is available anytime. Please contact us for reservation.

Let's start with a consultation! Please contact us.