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Japanese Textbooks "Nihongo Daijobu!: Elementary Japanese through Practical Tasks"

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"Nihongo Daijobu!" Series is the basic-level Japanese textbook series designed for optimum language learning which Sun Academy has developed. MP3 format audio files are available for download and compatible with The Japan Times’ OTO Navi audio app. Both printed books and e-books are available.


1. "Task-Based Approach", a communication build-up method, to improve accuracy and fluency at the same time.

2. Strategies to cope with and compensate for not understanding 100% out of the classroom.

3. Various simulations and dramas that develop insight into cross-cultural psychology.

"Nihongo Daijobu!" Book 1

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"Nihongo Daijobu!" Book 1: the main book

12 units and "kana-kana drills"

1. To learn how to deal with various daily situations with at one's own Japanese level.

2. To study talking about one's daily lives.

3. To acquire essential Japanese grammar.

Roman letters alongside the Japanese characters, English description and translation

  • Unit 1: Dozo yoroshiku (Nice to meet you)
  • Unit 2: Nan desu ka (What is this?)
  • Unit 3: Nan-ji desu ka (What time is it?)
  • Unit 4: Kaimono (Shopping strategies)
  • Unit 5: Okinawa ni ikimasu (I am going to Okinawa)
  • Unit 6: Denwa (Using telephone strategies)
  • Unit 7: Itadakimasu (Thank you for the meal)
  • Unit 8: Saiko no nichi-yobi (My perfect Sunday)
  • Unit 9: Sore, ii desu ne! (That's nice!)
  • Unit 10: Do deshita ka (How was it?)
  • Unit 11: Yasumitai-n-desu ga... (Calling in sick)
  • Unit 12: Watashi no sodatta machi (My hometown)

"Nihongo Daijobu!" Book 2

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"Nihongo Daijobu!" Book 2: the main book

12 units (Unit13 to Unit 24)

1. To coherently discuss a diverse array of topics in Japanese.

2. To enjoyably communicate in real-world situations.

3. To master key elementary grammar rules.

Roman letters alongside the Japanese characters, English description and translation

  • Unit 13: Daisuki desu (Likes and Dislikes)
  • Unit 14: Watashi, kazoku, shigoto (Me, my family, my job)
  • Unit 15: Sugu kite kudasai! (Come quickly, please!)
  • Unit 16: Hontoni arigato (Thank you very much)
  • Unit 17: Watashi no kuni to Nihon (My country and Japan)
  • Unit 18: Dekimasu! (I can do it!)
  • Unit 19: Watashi no kuni no osusume supotto (Vacation spots in my country)
  • Unit 20: Ki ni shinaide kudasai (Please don't worry)
  • Unit 21: Wasurerarenai omoide (Unforgettable memories)
  • Unit 22: Do omoimasu ka (What do you think?)
  • Unit 23: Moshi maho ga tsukaetara (If I could use magic)
  • Unit 24: Okagesamade jozu ni narimashita (Thanks to you, it has improved)

"Nihongo Daijobu!" Book 2: the supplementary book

1. Self-check: Exercises for consolidating understanding of grammar; includes listening exercises for acclimatizing learners to casual speech styles

2. Kanji Drills: Exercises that introduce new kanji and provide reading practice

Learn more/ Purchase (The Japan Times Book Club)

"Nihongo Daijobu! [Teacher's Guide]"

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"Nihongo Daijobu! [Teacher's Guide]" Book1

For the teachers who aim at more exciting and inspiring lessons using "Nihongo Daijobu!".

1. About "Nihongo Daijobu!": Contents, Curriculum Example, Concept, Tasks

2. How to proceed tasks in each unit: All 12 units

3. Appendix: Translations for all grammar notes, List of picture and word cards on CD-ROM

4. Enclosed CD-ROM: contains 640 picture and word cards

Learn more/ Purchase (The Japan Times Book Club)

Nihongo Daijobu! - image

"Nihongo Daijobu! [Teacher's Guide]" Book2

For the teachers who aim at more captivate and effective lessons using "Nihongo Daijobu! Book 2".

1. About "Nihongo Daijobu!": Contents, Curriculum Example, Concept, Tasks

2. How to proceed tasks in each unit: Unit 13 - Unit 24

3. Appendix: Translations for all grammar notes, Listening scripts for Self-Check worksheets, List of picture and word cards on CD-ROM

4. Enclosed CD-ROM: contains 530 picture and word cards

Learn more/ Purchase (The Japan Times Book Club)

"OTO Navi - Sound Navigator": Audio Player for JTP Books